Our Services
What We Do
Clearway Environmental are a well respected provider of compliance services including, but not limited to; Asbestos Surveys, Asbestos Consultancy, Air Testing and asbestos Laboratory Services, Lead Paint Surveys, Mold Surveys, testing and inspections, Anthrax/Hazardous materials testing, Asbestos Training, Land Contamination, Vibration/Noise monitoring and professional detailed advice on any of the above and Asbestos Expert Witness services for litigation etc. Whatever service we provide you with, you'll be completely satisfied with the experience on any project from inception to completion.

Asbestos Surveys
Statutory Compliance
Clearway Environmental can demonstrate compliance with ISO 17020 standards, and together with adherence to HSG264 - Asbestos: The survey guide, we can assure customers of our ability to perform asbestos surveys.
With highly qualified and experienced staff and facilities throughout the UK we are fully capable of surveying a wide range of sites anywhere in the country, advising on which type of asbestos survey is required, and discussing the methods and procedures involved in carrying out an appropriate assessment of asbestos containing materials suspected to be present. We also work within Europe, USA and the Asia Pacific region to local requirements.
The purpose of the asbestos survey is as follows:
•to help manage asbestos in the duty holder's premises.
•To provide accurate information on the location, amount and condition of asbestos containing materials (ACMs)
•To assess the level of damage or deterioration in the ACMs and whether remedial action is required
•To use the survey information to prepare a record of the location of any asbestos ('asbestos register') and an asbestos plan of the building/s
•To help identify all the ACMs to be removed before refurbishment work or demolition
It is best practice to carry out the sampling aspects of an asbestos survey when the building is least occupied, for example after normal working hours, at weekends or even better when the property is vacant. Asbestos can be an emotive and sensitive issue, and although our surveyors will always be as unobtrusive as possible whilst carrying out the necessary asbestos inspection, it is often best to arrange the work in such a way as to minimise disruption and undue concern.
There are 2 different types of asbestos survey: Asbestos Management Surveys and Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys. An Asbestos Management Survey will be required during the normal occupation and use of the building to ensure continued management of the asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in situ. A refurbishment or demolition survey will be necessary when the building (or part of it) is to be upgraded, refurbished or demolished.
In either case, the planning of the on-site survey work needs to be given serious consideration. Asbestos related matters often evoke an alarmist reaction and this needs to be factored in when arranging site works.
HSG 264 has been prepared by the Health and Safety Executive to help people carrying out asbestos surveys and those with specific responsibilities for managing the risks from asbestos in non-domestic premises under regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) 2012.
•Asbestos Management Survey
An asbestos management survey is the standard asbestos survey. Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and to assess their condition. Asbestos management surveys will often involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance. The extent of intrusion will vary between premises and depend on what is reasonably practicable for individual properties, i.e. it will depend on factors such as the type of building, the nature of construction, accessibility etc. An asbestos management survey should include an assessment of the condition of the various asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and their ability to release fibres into the air if they are disturbed in some way. This 'material assessment' will give a good initial guide to the priority for managing asbestos containing materials (ACMs) as it will identify the materials which will most readily release airborne fibres if they are disturbed.
• Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys (previously type 3 asbestos surveys)
An asbestos refurbishment and demolition survey is needed before any refurbishment or demolition work is carried out. This type of asbestos survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in the area where the refurbishment work will take place or in the whole building if demolition is planned. The asbestos survey will be fully intrusive and involve destructive inspection, as necessary, to gain access to all areas, including those that may be difficult to reach. An asbestos refurbishment and demolition survey may also be required in other circumstances, eg when more intrusive maintenance and repair work will be carried out or for plant removal or dismantling.
There is a specific requirement in CAR 2012 (regulation 5 "An employer shall not undertake work in demolition, maintenance or any other work which expose or is likely to expose his employees to asbestos in regards to any premises".

Asbestos Management
Total Compliance
Clearway Environmental undertakes asbestos surveying and management, and can assist you in understanding and meeting your legal responsibilities. We can provide solutions and systems for managing and working with asbestos in your organisation. We act as delegated Dutyholder for a number of client's, thereby adopting some responsibility for management of asbestos and reducing the strain on ever dwindling resources.
We have experienced asbestos consultants holding a wide range of relevant qualifications who can provide advice across all property sectors (commercial, retail & leisure, industrial, housing, education and infrastructure, as well as offshore and refinery sectors).
All our surveys are input onto our bespoke, web based Clearway-Online asbestos database hosted by Frontline data. As we are a charter license holder we can and do provide a number of our clients with free login user ID’s so they can manage their entire asbestos portfolio online, free of charge. This saves our clients many thousands of pounds over purchasing their own asbestos databases. We also work on clients' own asbestos management systems and have a wealth of experience on many asbestos surveying and management packages.
Asbestos Services
Our specialist staff can assist with;
•Consultative Advice in all aspects of asbestos management and remediation.
•Initial site survey assessment and report.
•Asbestos air monitoring.
•Client assistance for priority assessments.
•Compilation & review of policies & management plans.
•Third-party site audits of remediation works.
•Management systems audits.
•Specification preparation.
•Contractor and tender evaluation.
•Asbestos awareness training.
•Project management of asbestos removal.
•Expert witness
Our consultants are extremely knowledgeable professionals with the experience and skills to deliver a full range of asbestos-related services to clients.
Asbestos Specific Services
•Distribution of a range of asbestos packages in relation to asbestos awareness training and management.
•UKAS ISO17025 Accredited Air Testing/monitoring and Clearance during/post asbestos removal projects. Our mobile laboratories can attend and undertake air testing for asbestos throughout the UK, Europe, Asia and U.S.
•Asbestos surveys carried out in accordance with ISO17020 and HSG 264 to determine the presence and the condition of asbestos containing materials. Surveys are completed and presented using electronic surveying packages based on portable electronic data capture.
•Preparation and development of asbestos management policies, plans, detailed asbestos removal tender specifications and tender analysis.
•Project management or contract administration of asbestos abatement measures, including removal contracts, encapsulation and labelling works, contractor tender evaluation and technical audit.
•On-going asbestos management, assistance with priority risk assessments, resurveying and strategy for management of asbestos in buildings.
•Audit of information and evaluation of analytical results and documentation. We can assist in evaluation and explanation of the methods to measure compliance to specific standards and current European, World Health Organisation and HSE guidance.
•Air testing from our mobile laboratories to ensure statutory compliance

Asbestos Consultancy
Competent, Qualified Consultancy Services
Clearway Provide competent qualified asbestos consultancy to clients within all sectors in the UK, Europe, U.S. and Asia. Our Consultants have a wealth of experience within the construction industry, shipping industry, leisure, commercial, residential, local authority, Hospitals, Utilities, Oil rigs/offshore industries, but also various sectors overseas. Our consultant's have internationally recognised qualifications including specific region qualifications for Singapore/Asia and the U.S. and of course U.K. We have been appointed by various U.K. and global brands and organisations to provide professional detailed advice and assistance on many projects, including Land Contamination problems, dispute resolution, litigation advice, strategic audits of NHS Trusts and other large organisations. Why not speak to us today to see if one of our consultant's can help you with your problem?

Lead Paint Surveys/Analysis
Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002
Lead surveys are a legal requirement for all commercial projects wherever paintwork is liable to be disturbed, regardless of the age or type of building or structure involved.
Most paintwork is likely to have a lead content and the older the paintwork the higher that lead content is likely to be, whatever the surface: timber, metal, plaster, plasterboard, tile or masonry.
Homes and schools are no different and should be treated with particular care given the likely presence of young children and women of reproductive capacity, who may also be pregnant, during any lead exposure risk works.
Clearway Provide lead paint surveys and analysis for all sectors and are fully trained in the use of hand held XRF analysers for use on sites. Our Consultants are also qualified and competent to provide detailed advice on the remediation of lead in paint and also produce plans of work for contractors to enable them to undertake work with lead in paint.
Lead Survey Measurement
A professional lead survey should provide the necessary data to allow a suitable and sufficient risk assessment of likely lead exposure risks. Portable XRF-isotope (XRF-i) analysis for on-site non- destructive testing (NDT), provides the most complete and cost-effective assessments to satisfy the requirement for pre-construction information. These are required for all types of work on existing buildings and structures, including:
- Painting & decorating
- Grit blasting & industrial painting
- Demolition & decommissioning
- Repairs, maintenance & improvements (e.g. window replacement, fire door upgrades; retro-fitting)
- Refurbishment
A lead survey may also include dust, soil and water sampling in order to establish pre-works levels of lead containing materials (LCMs) other than paintwork. This helps to identify any pre-works issues as well as to establish reference levels in case of any uncontrolled contamination release during a project.
For smaller commercial and domestic works, where a lead survey may not be considered the automatic choice, a lower cost step-by-step approach may be preferable. Lead survey and paint testing expenditure can be targeted in a way that is both appropriate and proportionate to the size and scope of a project.
Lead Paint Testing
The results from lead paint testing are very different to those provided by the survey and measurement of the same materials.
1) 3M LeadCheck swabs provide useful confirmation of the presence of lead (often to justify the need to commission a lead survey). They are a low cost and easy-to-use chemical test that turns pink or red on contact with lead. Popular with DIYers, they are very useful for identifying lead in paint but do not satisfy the legal requirement to quantify the amount of lead that may be present. However, because they are NOT 100% reliable they should not be considered an alternative to the professional measurement required for commercial projects.
3M LeadCheck swabs can be used to positively identify those areas where lead-containing paint samples can be taken, thereby helping to limit professional analysis charges (see 2) and 3) below) to samples showing 'positive' for lead. Remember that enough samples need to be taken in order to allow a 'suitable and sufficient' risk assessment of the likely exposure risks to tradesmen and building occupants or residents.
2) 'Traditional' laboratory methods, generally involving non-specialist physical 'scrape' sampling for laboratory analysis and reporting, are of limited usefulness. As a result of poor and inconsistent sample quality, even accredited analysis of samples 'as received' tends to result in under-reporting of actual lead hazards as found on-site. In addition, their results based on 'Mass/Mass' analysis do not lend themselves to the 'Mass/Area' data required for meaningful risk assessment.
3) Off-site XRF-isotope analysis (XRF-i) provides 'lead survey' quality data, but for small batch analysis of intact paint samples submitted on their substrate material.
Lead Dust Testing
Lead paint only becomes an exposure risk when it is damaged or disturbed. It is only by inhaling or ingesting lead paint chips, and lead dust or fume that exposure occurs.
Airborne lead dust can be sampled in order to identify the presence of 'significant' task-specific exposure risks. It usually settles within 1-2 hours of being released.
Dust wipe sampling of settled surface contamination can then be used to confirm the presence of an immediate lead exposure risk from inadvertent hand-to-mouth contact.
Lead testing can be divided into two broad categories:
Qualitative Testing - Is there lead? Yes or No? This generally gives a low cost, chemistry-based 'indication' for regular in-house and individual use. It is not sufficient for CLAW compliance purposes.
Quantitative Testing - (If there's lead) How much lead? This is more expensive as it requires specialist equipment, used by experienced professionals in order to meet CLAW compliance requirements. It is most likely to involve the use of hand-held XRF-i (X-ray Fluorescence - isotope) technology for in-situ non-destructive testing (NDT) of 'buried' lead in paint supplemented by physical (destructive) sampling for laboratory analysis. Blood lead analysis is also quantitative.
With the exception of blood lead and airborne lead dust analysis there are a range of qualitative and quantitative testing alternatives for each of the categories shown.
Low-cost lead exposure monitoring can be carried out on-site by operatives and DIYers themselves. From reasonably accurate chemical-based indicators to laboratory accurate screening and analysis, a full range of lead testing options is now available to suit all budgets and compliance requirements.
For those requiring 'professional' sampling and full quantitative analysis by a formally trained and accredited specialist, Clearway can advise on the most cost-effective sampling strategies.

Asbestos Analytical/Air Testing
Making your environment safe
Air sampling and analysis is extremely important in determining such factors as the potential risk of exposure to any asbestos containing materials. It is therefore essential that such measurements are carried out competently, using the appropriate sampling procedures and equipment.
Clearway Environmental are committed to providing reliable asbestos site sampling and testing services and for ensuring that sampling and testing is carried out correctly and reliably. Fundamental to this commitment is ensuring such levels that include our technicians being adequately trained to perform sampling and testing, that we provide suitable laboratory accommodation, and that the equipment we use is suitable for the specific test activity.
An air sampling strategy will be devised prior to asbestos remedial works to ensure that all aspects of the work are covered. This strategy typically includes background sampling, leak testing, site clearance certification for re-occupation, reassurance sampling, personal sampling, and sampling certification and reporting.
Background Sampling
Technicians employed by Clearway Environmental, to carry out asbestos air sampling and analysis will use a number of sampling applications depending on the client's specification and scope of works. One such method is Background Sampling. Prior to the commencement of any activity that may lead to asbestos fibres becoming airborne, and as a consequence becoming hazardous, 'background sampling' must be conducted in order to establish ambient levels of asbestos.
Leak (Enclosure Check) Testing
Sampling outside an enclosure and in adjacent areas during the removal process to ensure that effective fibre containment is being maintained.
Site assessment for Re-occupation
Following asbestos removal, the premises must be assessed to determine whether they are thoroughly clean and fit for reoccupation (or, as appropriate, demolition).
The clearance certification process is a vital component in asbestos removal work. The issue of a certificate of reoccupation by an impartial and competent organisation provides the crucial reassurance and security to the subsequent building users. The multi-stage certification process is designed to allow the inspection and assessment to be performed in a structured, systematic and consistent manner.
It is the responsibility of the licensed contractor undertaking the asbestos removal work to thoroughly and diligently clean up the work area. When the contractor is satisfied that the area is clean and ready for future use, the area is assessed by an analyst of an independent organisation which is accredited by UKAS as complying with ISO 17025. The analyst's role is to provide independent verification that the area is clean and suitable for subsequent use.
There are four stages to the site certification for reoccupation assessment procedure carried out by the analyst:
•Stage 1: Preliminary check of site condition and job completeness;
•Stage 2: A thorough visual inspection inside the enclosure/work area;
•Stage 3: Asbestos air monitoring;
•Stage 4: Final assessment post-enclosure/work area dismantling.
Stage 3 air sampling takes place once a thorough visual inspection has been carried out and the analyst is satisfied that all the asbestos in the POW has been removed, and there is no visible debris or layers of settled dust. All air measurements completed by the analyst comply with the ISO 17025 standard. The value calculated from each sample taken during site clearance testing is compared with the clearance indicator value 0.010 fibres per cubic centimetre. Only when this assessment of the workplace is passed as satisfactory is a certificate of reoccupation issued. The certificate is issued to the contractor and, as appropriate, to the customer where the latter has engaged the analyst.
Asbestos remaining in enclosures (by design) should be labelled that it is asbestos and that it is to remain. These asbestos items to remain can then be checked by the analyst against the work plan and recorded on the certificate of reoccupation. The building owner should ensure the presence of the asbestos is included in their asbestos management plan.
Reassurance Sampling
This type of monitoring may be required in certain circumstances, such as when an enclosure has been dismantled on completion of asbestos removal, to confirm that the residual asbestos airborne fibre concentrations are less than 0.01 fibres per cubic centimetre of air sampled.
Personal Sampling
Personal Sampling is to be carried out when it is necessary to assess the exposure level of an individual carrying out his/her work. In this instance sampling is carried out on asbestos removal personnel working in enclosures, checking that adequate respiratory protective equipment is worn (referred to as an RPE test). Furthermore, sampling to check compliance with the Control Limit under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 is another example of where personal sampling is applied.

Land Contamination/Asbestos in Soils/Demolition Spoil
A very real problem in construction, development and re-development
Clearway are experts in land contamination and provide a number of services relevant to this this field. We have considerable experience in asbestos land contamination and can help you with your requirements by providing the following;
Site investigations
Our Consultants will attend site with a drilling rig, excavator or whatever else is required to conduct a full and proper site investigation. We will install monitoring wells, take samples from a stockpile or trial pit across site. All investigations are delivered with a full report with a plain English summary.
• Phase 1 - Desktop Study
We will identify what is needed from either your existing information or by conducting a desktop survey whilst discussing with you the proposed extent. The initial report will identify past and present use of the site, review of environmental information, identify potential sources of contamination, risks to groundwater and human health and advise on the necessary requirements to take in the next phase.
• Phase 2 - Site Investigations
Our Consultants attend your site with the necessary equipment to conduct an intrusive investigation, undertaking trial pits and the installation of boreholes where required with minimum disruption to your operation. We will recover surface and sub surface soil and groundwater samples for analysis at UKAS laboratories.
The subsequent report will contain the relevant information up front, in a plain to understand summary, using modelling techniques in line with the relevant guidance.
• Phase 3 - Site Remediation
If there are risks that are not controlled and you need further assistance we will assist you in designing a remediation strategy to get your site to the required standard. We specialise in asbestos in soils/demolition spoil.
Due Diligence Reports
Our diligence reporting will help you to summarise the issues that may have a financial impact on business – whether you are refinancing, purchasing, selling or looking to merge. We will identify any significant environmental impact to your business and advise on costs based on our knowledge and experience of the industry.
Soil and Water Investigation and analysis
We can help you to keep your site compliant by taking samples, arranging laboratory analysis and assessing against the specified risks.
Site Redevelopment Advice/Consultancy
If you are looking to develop a former filling station, fuelling area or piece of contaminated land we can help you by putting a value to the works and managing the clean up process.
We will investigate, report and advise of the most cost effective and robust solution depending on your end use.
Remediation Strategies
If you have had a spill or you own a site that has been deemed unable to continue use, we can help you clean it up. We specialise in asbestos land contamination and have vast experience in managing the decontamination process of soils/sites that contain asbestos or other contaminants.
We will provide a full remediation strategy, keeping your site open where possible if required. A log of contaminated material removed will be kept and we will keep you continuously updated with trends and progress.
Once your site area is cleaned to a suitable standard we will demobilise and get you back to running an environmentally compliant site.
Waste Classification
If you have some material that requires WAC testing we will attend the site to sample from a stockpile or from the ground as you dig.
We will provide a qualified contaminated land engineer to undertake site works to assess your site conditions and to provide you with technical advice, undertake sampling of materials for laboratory analysis to enable the classification of the waste.
Samples of soil recovered from site are subject to laboratory analysis in accordance with the Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) set out in The Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2005 (as amended) so that the material may be classified for waste disposal.
On completion of the above a brief letter report is issued and will detail
Brief outline of the scope of works;
Brief outline of the field and laboratory work undertaken;
Trial Pit Logs including Field Observations;
Laboratory analytical data (Waste Acceptance Criteria);
Location Plan with diagrammatic representation of trial pit locations;
Brief outline of the Waste Classification of the material sampled

Expert Witness
Asbestos Litigation Consultants
Clearway can also assist you in relation to expert witness services as a result of civil or criminal litigation. Whether you are looking to recover costs as a result of poor asbestos removal, poor quality asbestos survey provided, poor UKAS laboratory performance, or if you are on the receiving end of litigation or potential HSE enforcement action/prosecution, we can help.
Gary Morris has been providing asbestos expert witness services to Solicitors, Law Firms, Local Authorities, Private clients including those suffering from asbestos related illness/diseases for 11 years.
With significant experience in the generation/production of CPA part 35 compliant reports in relation to asbestos matters, you can be sure that the service you receive ensures you have the best possible chance of proving your case and getting the outcome you are looking for.
NHS - Authorising Engineer
(Asbestos Safety)
Expert Service
A relatively new service within the NHS sector in relation to Asbestos, The role of Authorising enginner has long been a part of NHS operations but is an essential role. Our Managing Director is currently appointed to 6 NHS Foundation Trusts in the role. The appointment requires strategic level input as the Trusts authorising engineer and involves intitial and quarterly audits of how the Trust manages asbestos compliance from the Chief Exec down to the maintenance staff. Our AE role includes a retained appointment which begins with a strategic audit of how the trust manages asbestos down to implementation of a ratified asbestos policy and working asbestos management plan to ensure the Trust fulfills it's duties under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.